it's been a while since i wrote a good post that actually said something. sorry about that. i've been earning myself an olympic gold medal in the sport of procrastination. i don't know why it seemed so much harder to revise my prospectus than it did to write it in the first place, but it took a whole lot more will power.
i was tempted to shirk responsibility again today and go swimming instead of revising. that's what i did yesterday. it was nice, hanging out at the pool with a couple of old ladies, swimming away. i really wanted to spend this afternoon doing more of the same, but i somehow managed to rope myself into doing actual work, and then i couldn't tear myself away until it was done. it's been two weeks since i met with dr. v. about my prospectus, and yes, i just now finished the revisions. i pruned my prospectus, rearranged a bunch of it, put it back the way it was originally, rearranged it differently, eliminated six references, added a little more info, rewrote the same paragraph about eight times, made frustrated, guttural sounds deep in my throat when i came across sentence after sentence that dr. v. rewrote, about half of which ended up saying something completely different than i'd intended, so i had to change them again so that they said the right thing. it was a grueling process, but draft no. 2 is finally finished. it's been broken down into so many electrons and sent through my phone line to eventually find its way to dr. v.'s computer. here's hoping that draft no. 3 doesn't suck this much out of me.
to more exciting news, spain is a go! all seven students who were interested are getting funded for the trip, so no one has to worry about who won't get to go. i just emailed the prof today to let him know i'm in. the bad news is that the field marine science class is going to maine right before the spain trip. and, yes, i'm also going to maine. it kind of sucks that i'll be gone so much in august, but it's kind of exciting. i'll have one day of rest and packing after i get back from maine and before i leave for spain. so much traveling... chad is going to forget what i look like, only seeing me one day in four weeks. yikes. oh well. those 5 credit hours will fulfill my remaining required course credit hours. yay! no more classes after fall semester! i can't wait.
ok. i'm still a little... woozy, from all the focusing and staring at a computer screen for the past seven hours, so i'm going to tear myself away now so my eyes will stop retaliating. ta ta.
I need Crepe Erase. For my face.
1 month ago
Congrats, I so happy for you ... Maine and Spain. Well we will have to celebrate your birthday before you leave.
thanks. the maine trip is actually the week after my bday, so it shouldn't be a problem. and it turns out i'll have THREE days (a whole weekend) between maine and spain. the dates for maine are august 12-24 and spain is aug 28-sept 8. originally, the maine trip ended on august 26, so i guess i should be happy about those two extra days.
I am THRILLED to bits for YOU! Spain and Maine. At least it'll be nice and warm when you visit both places :-D. I'm sure you're in for many, many adventures. We should help you brush up on some espanol, huh? I'm so excited for you, I'm sending you a virtual hug and happy dance!
muchas gracias! and yeah, my espanol is way rusty.
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